Web Design 2015 RWD (Responsive Web Design)
RWD (Responsive Web Design) is a approach towards web design that is aimed at designing websites to offer the user an optimal viewing & interaction experience.
Responsive Web Design offers minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling for easy access to content and website navigation across a wide range of platforms and devices such as desktop computer monitors, tablets and mobile devices and mobile phones & smartphone users
This is a growing trend on the internet with more and more web designers are designing websites and web apps that have been adapted for desktop computer monitors, tablets and mobile devices and mobile phones & smartphone users.

Responsive web design will sure continue to grow and expand in 2015
Responsive web design will sure continue to grow and expand in 2015 with the increasing use of other devices making the way onto the market such as smart watches and TVs. In today’s world of high tech devices it’s never been more important to provide a seamless experience across all available platforms, devices and other smart gadgets.