Google Is Going To Rank Mobile Speed Page Separately
According to Gary Illyes Google Webmaster Trends Analyst,
Google is in the process to rank mobile websites speed separately from desktop computers. What this really means is if your mobile website loads fast and your desktop website version is slower your mobile website version will rank better than your desktop website for the same search query done on mobile devices than you would on a desktop computer using a Google search.

rank mobile websites speed separately from desktop computers
SEM Post’s Jennifer Slegg remarked that Gary Illyes mentioning of this at Search Marketing Summit Sydney that Google confirmed this for the first time that there are plans to make mobile website pages speed a influence in its next update for mobile friendly. Jennnifer was told by Illyes that the update will be in the coming months. There has been hints at mobile friendly sites ranking higher for months.
Googles search ranking algorithm has added mobile friendliness well over a year ago. This will be the first time Mobile speed in going to factor in ranking, explicitly for searches occurring on mobile devices.
Tags: Google Search, SEO, mobile search, mobile devices, sem, website speed, web designer, web developer, Webmaster